
Much excitement at the 'Vier Pfoten' roadshow | Westfieldrise

Much excitement at the ‘Vier Pfoten’ roadshow

  • Roadshow involving several URW shopping centres
  • Optimal use of the available media
  • Free exhibition for visitors

Bears, lions and orphaned orangutans: since February, URW shopping centres have been giving animals in need a temporary home – symbolically at least – with international animal welfare organisation ‘Vier Pfoten’ (four paws) taking up residence in pop-up stores in several German shopping centres featuring an experience-based exhibition.

Vier Pfoten cares for animals around the world that have been in distress or have experienced suffering at the hands of humans. In pop-up galleries in the URW malls, visitors are able to discover just how committed these people are to protecting the animal kingdom. The interactive exhibition ‘Detecting. Saving. Protecting.’ gives an insight into the work of these animal protectionists. It has already been on show in three URW centres for six to eight weeks at a time, and following the kick-off at Palais Vest in Recklinghausen, the roadshow continued to the Düsseldorf Arcaden before moving to Westfield Centro Oberhausen, where it is set to remain for a short while.

In-depth glimpses behind the scenes

Visitors can look forward to an impressive experience in Oberhausen. As in the other malls, a centrally located pop-up store with generous exhibition space is on hand for the campaign, and Vier Pfoten is exploiting this potential skilfully, using a footprint trail of paw-shaped floor stickers to shepherd interested visitors through the gallery.

On photo walls along the way are numerous depictions of the organisation’s work, with impressive photos, video clips and lots of background information offering detailed insights into projects, campaigns and rescue operations. There’s also a life-size bear model waiting along the way. Even dust protection walls and the shop front itself are used creatively for presentation purposes, and an experienced promotion team is on hand to answer any questions.

Shopping and helping a good cause

The roadshow – developed by German fund-raising company DFC in conjunction with URW – has proven highly popular. Visitors can not only immerse themselves in the everyday lives of animal welfare activists, but also get active themselves and assist the cause: the organisation welcomes donations, offering donors sponsorship of rescued animals.

Because the concept has been so well received, and because a lot of money has already been collected to help other animals in need thanks to the generosity of the many animal lovers, the mall tour is to be continued, with stops planned in other URW centres.

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